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Hey I am Vanessa and I am 13 years old... I love adding videos and pictures to my blog. I also love showing my family and friendds my adventures on my blog :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'm in Miami

I'm in Miami I have been here since Tuesday and i have had such a great time... The weather is pretty hot just like in Arizona... Hopefully tomarrow early we will go to the beach and spend the day in the sun.... Plus Emma's birthday is July 31st so we will get to spend time with her.... Sergio also told me that there is a huge mall here :) Diego and Julian.. GUESS WHAT? THERE ARE LIKE A MILLION YELLOW CARS HERE!!! BINGOOOOOOOOOOOO! :)

I will add more pictures later on

View from ouside the plane

on the plane


On the plane we just landed

Noah with his lollipop

Groovey Grandma

All the kids... We are going to eat lunch at Olive Garden

Emma and Abby

The kids

Sergio is shy

Abby with her puppy Princess Gizmo


Noah :)

Grandma getting her hair done

Noah getting a cool new hair cut: A Mowhawk


Emma's Room

Abby's Room

Noah's Room

Noah's cool hair


In the pool

the kids

grandma sleeping at the pool

this is an awsome car I found in the parking lot


this is a german licence plate


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