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Hey I am Vanessa and I am 13 years old... I love adding videos and pictures to my blog. I also love showing my family and friendds my adventures on my blog :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Hope you and your family had a great easter. We spent easter day with my friend Briana and my brother's friend Liam. We also had their parents come. We started easter sunday by going to the park and we bought blocks of ice to slide down the hil. Everyone had a great time sliding down. We also played kick ball. After that we went back home to hide the eggs. All the kids stayed inside while all parents hid the eggs. There were a couple of eggs that had candy and some had money. My friend Briana and I got an egg with a fake million dollar in it! It was such a great easter!

Spring Break

hey these are pictures of my spring break!
irst we started our vacation by going to El Paso to seemy aunts and uncles oh and my grandparents. We had such a great time out there. I also got to see many of my cousins while I was out there. We took my cousin Paola an easter basket even though easter was the following weeekend. Then my parents, Ana, Todd, Diego, my cousin Julian, and I all went to LAS VEGAS! On our way there we went by the Hoover Dam. It was so fun diego, julian, and I all had all day passses to the New York- New York rollar couster. We rode it over 13 times! When we rode it at night allthe city ight were on and it was beautiful! We had such a great time. My parents spent more time with us then at the casino. THANK GOD! ;) In the end we all had the time of our lives.

guinea pigs

Here is a pictures of our guinea pigs. Mine is the white and yelow one and its name is hamoncitos ;)
The oragneish and white one is Diego's and its name is charlie. They are sooooooo adorable! They make these weird high pitch sounds and its soooo cute