About Me

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Hey I am Vanessa and I am 13 years old... I love adding videos and pictures to my blog. I also love showing my family and friendds my adventures on my blog :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Braces Off!

Got my braces of December 14th, 2010 SOOOOOO HAPPY! After having them for 2 years i am happy to get them off. soooooooo worth the 2 years!


New eddition to the Rios Family!

Here is a new member of the Rios family!

Meet the cutest little Shar Pei in the world Sandie:)

She was born in September, and she is the cutest little hamoncito dog ever. She loves to snore and sit on Tobbie :) Her wrinkles are adorable. we bought her in mexico in the back of a pick up truck. we were renting some quads when we noticed that the guy renting them was also selling puppies! we bought her when she was only one month old. She now is a part of our family!

SHHHHH! She is sleeping

Diego drew Sandie :)


Here is our 6 month old dog tobbie! Tobbie is a yorkie :)

Back On!

Hey sorry i haven't updated my blog in over 6 months. Ive been really busy and i totally forgot. Here are a couple more updates!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Emma!!!

These are just a couple of pictures from Emma's 6th birthday...

Face Painting

Playing kitchen :)

National Park

This is a trail that we walked at the beach park

This is a souvenir shop called Shell World

These are sharks in a glass cylinder

alligator claws

shark teeth

This is a cage that was found underwater deep in the ocean... it grew corral